Sunday, March 30, 2008

Coming Soon....

Coming soon....... Spring Break !

Let the adventure begin !

If you are wondering why you have to wait............stay tuned !!!!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jacob Update

Jacob has been busy also...

He also made the honor roll this semester - Congrats. Bub!
Best Buy and Hannah seem to split the remainder of his time these days.

Amanda Update

Here's a photo of Amanda with Kendall and Jocelyn last weekend. They were busy tye dying some t-shirts. Funny how things like this come back into style.

All three girls earned a 4.0 in school for the semester - Congrats to all!
All three girls are curently enrolled in Driver's Ed. - stay off the roads!
Amanda and Jocelyn are enduring soccer tryouts this week - Good Luck!

Happy (very belated) Birthday Travis!

Okay, so I'm late.....what's new??
Happy Birthday to my cousin Travis...

Posing for the camera :)
Don't mess with this guy.
Toothless ring bearer.
Showing off Mom's new Pinto Pony 1979

Family gathering 1977
The catering years...
With Dawn at Nick's wedding
Teenage Trav with Mom
Hope you had a great day!