Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Other "Kids"

Jake, Hannah, and Amanda drove into Milwaukee to meet my 20 other "kids".

Here they are with 5 of my students
They brought a "pizza party" to my classroom.
Little Ceasars' pizza and juice for all.

On career day, Chef Dan from the Zilli restaurants/catering came to talk to the kids about being a chef and the hospitality business. They really enjoyed him, but asked if he could cook for them next time.

Little Lady

Update: The orphaned puppy from West Virginia now has a new, permanent, loving home...
and her name is "Lady".

My friends Judy and Tim have taken Coalie into their home and family.
She will have a great life and all the love a pup could want .....

Teenage Driver

Here is Amanda with her "wheels". AKA "Jim"

We had such a cold January..... school was cancelled twice due to bitter cold. Then, suddenly we had this wonderful warm weather. "Warm" being about 50 degrees - of course.
(Note the shorts on my daughter while standing in snow).
February brought us more cold and a little snow - typical Wisconsin.
This is the "don't take my photo" photo!

When it's 50 degrees - the top goes down!
The girls -out and about -on a beautiful winter day in WI.
Going shopping - of course!

Random Photos

Just a few random photos from Jake's visit home for Christmas...

This is a photo of Jake with our Coke and Hannah with her new puppy, Rosie. Hannah's parents surprised her with the puppy when she came home for Thanksgiving.
Don't ask me what breed Rosie is...I forget.
Jake and friends hanging out in the kitchen, looking at a scrapbook that Hannah made with photos of their "first year".
The one that needs a shave and a haircut is Alex.

Now that Amanda has a new drivers license......I can show you this one. Her very first permit used while "in training". It's really difficult to see, but her eyes are like a deer in headlights! It's the funniest photo. Trevor (and everyone else) was giving her a hard time about the pic on this particular night.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

For the first time in 20 years, my "little guy" isn't home this Valentine's Day...

Happy Valentine's Day ... across the miles ... to my Sunshine!
Love, Mom

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Message from Coalie

To: Jake and Hannah,
Just making myself at home here in Wisconsin.

Miss you,
Love, Coalie

TWIRP 2009

The TWIRP dance was last Saturday. This is where the girl asks a guy to the dance. Amanda asked Kyle to be her date for the evening and they doubled with Kendall and Joe.

They both had dresses that would fit on Barbie.
Amanda's date, Kyle.

Group photo with Kendall and Joe.

Nana to the rescue with a quick sewing job to make the straps shorter on Amanda's dress.
Thanks, Nana!


Well, Jake and Hannah weren't gone more than 2 weeks -- and back they came --- with Coal!

Hannah found Coal abandoned and wandering around the university. Nobody reported her missing and she has definitely been abused by whomever she lived with.
So, I am now doggie sitting for their pet until they have the means to care for her.
We don't know her real name - so Hannah named her "Coal" for the WV coal mine across the river from their school.
"Mommy Zilli" calls her "Coalie"
This falls under the category of "the things we do for our children"!!!

Bye, Bub

Here is Bub all loaded into the Suburban and ready to head back to WVU for his second semester. He has officially changed his major to Criminal Justice.

Drive Carefully, Son.
Hannah and Jake - ready to head out.

Kyle had stopped in for a visit just a few nights before Jake and Hannah left.
They (along with Amanda) played the Rock Band game for the Wii.
Good Times.

Kendall's got Wheels!

Here is Kendall, Amanda and Nina heading out in Kendall's new Mustang.

Yes, Kendall and Amanda both passed their drivers test on December 23rd.
Look out World!

Back to Normal...

It was so nice to have Jacob home for a whole month ......... everything seemed just so "back to normal". He was on the go most of the time, but this is also typical.
Somehow, he even managed to fit in his annual snowmobiling trip up north. Now, that is a story...

Hanging out with little Sis. Probably visiting Facebook.
Coke comes in for a visit.
So, back to snowmobiling .....
Jake took the good 'ole green Suburban way up north to Ben's cabin for the annual snowmobile adventure. Yep, you got it - the Suburban + an annual road trip = you know what's coming next.
(Remember the Florida fiasco???)
Jake got stranded about 5 hours north of here - had to have the truck towed. Luckily, Ben had a car up there, so he could give Jake a ride to Aunt Candy's house which was an hour south of where the truck was towed to be fixed.
Aunt Candy to the rescue - she saved me from having to drive way up there to help out.
Jake stayed with Candy overnight and then she drove him back up north to pick up the truck.
Yep, "enter" Steph and his credit card - AGAIN! This time it was the fuel pump to the tune of about $400.00 . And we keep saying that nothing more could possibly break down because we have replaced every inch of that truck.
The beloved green Suburban did carry Jake safely back to West Virginia at the end of his winter vacation. 30 days that flew by way too fast for me.

Christmas in February...

My original goal was to get all my Christmas photos posted by the end of January...
I borrowed this idea from cousin Dawn. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but it just didn't happen. You know you're busy when ........ you don't post Christmas pics until Valentine's Day!

Me and my babies.....Christmas day 2008
Every year I buy each of the kids 1 "toy". Even though they are "big" now.
Last year it was matching Nerf guns that shoot foam balls and this year it was pinball machines.
Amanda's had Scooby Doo as a theme.

Mom, Dad, and Teddy came over for Christmas Day.

Here is Mom giving the new Wii a try...
She and Dad enjoyed the bowling - - of course!

Steph also joins us on Christmas morning...

This one's a bit out of place, but I have never figured out how to move a photo once I load it to my blog. This was late Christmas night. Jake, Amanda and Hannah back on the Wii.

This is how much fun my son is on Christmas Day... Yep, he's asleep and it can't be later than noon or so. Check back with him at about 2 in the morning and he'll be full of life.

Dad - the pro bowler!

Giving pointers to the Granddaughter.

Tennis anyone?

Hannah also joined us to celebrate Christmas. She and Jake headed over to spend time with her family after his "nap".

Second Christmas together.

Grandpa is still bowling.....this game is "right up his alley"- Ha Ha !

My Bub with his Star Wars pinball machine.
The end of the holiday photos!!!!!!
Merry Christmas.