Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We had a quiet Thanksgiving at Mom and Dad's home this year...

Amanda, Carla, and Hannah.
Carla is Hannah's friend from Venezuela, who attends WVU Tech and plays soccer with her.
They drove to Wisconsin for the holidays.
Carla was able to experience "snow" for the first time in her life!

The chef and the turkey.

Jake was sleeping on the floor .....
so, Amanda, typical little sister, decided to bother him.
Step 1. Laying on him.
Hmm..... no response.
Move on to Step 2.
Step 2. Rip his blanket off.
(Looks like the pants came too...nice boxers Jake.)
Look out...ANGRY response.
Better run.

Jake had a really hectic work schedule over the holiday
including a start time of 2 a.m. on Black Friday.
Let him sleep Amanda.
Teddy Bear and Mom.

Yeah, Cokie never misses a good party.

Finally! Good morning Jake!

Da folks and da kids.

It's Snowing!

The first "school day" snowfall.

One person called out "it's snowing" and the entire class jumped up and ran to the window like they'd never seen the stuff before.
Hello, we live in Wisconsin kids !!!
Okay, I gotta admit it ... I looked too. WAS beautiful.
Only like..what...100 and some more inches to go!
Hello Winter.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Let's see.....

My daughter...
her friends....
Someone's trees...
That appear to have...
What's that? ....
Toilet paper?
Hmmmmm......I'll let you do the math on this one.

Bye, bye, "Jim"

As of tomorrow, "Jim" has been sold.
Amanda's new wheels....a Mazda.

A big hug "goodbye" and another "Thank you " to Nana for Amanda's very first car.

"Jim" has been good to Amanda, but there are some big repairs that are needed. With 200,000 miles and another cold Wisconsin winter coming closer every day, it was time to sell.
Bye "Jim" !

My kids meet "my kids".

Jake, Amanda, and Nina brought pizza to school for my students.
It was the first meeting of my kids and "my kids".

Here we all are.... :0
One big happy family!

Homecoming - the dance

Amanda and friends getting ready for the photo shoot...

the girls.

Amanda and Nina and their dates.

The whole gang.

Amanda and date.
The girls went shopping in each other's closets for a dress this year.
What a nice savings.
They also did their own hair.....more savings.
Everything was a bit simple and laid back this year.

Homecoming '09 - Spirit Week

Just random photos from spirit week ...
Amanda and friends at school.

In the living room before school...


Round Two

My second year of teaching 4th grade...

I have 19 students, same as last year.
Once again, I'm in for daily challenges that I never experienced while teaching in the suburbs.
Hopefully, I can make a difference in their lives
while teaching them a bit of reading, writing, and 'rithmatic!

Welcome to my World...

This is it.......early morning and evening.
With 8 hours of naughty kids in-between.

I have been taking the commuter bus into and out of the city as much as possible, but the schedule doesn't allow me to use it on Wednesdays.
Having someone else drive has been a nice change.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Powder Puff Game

Last Sunday was the Homecoming Powder Puff game.
The Junior class took on the Senior class.
Seniors won 28-7, but the Juniors put on a good show.

Amanda and friends .... pre-game.
More friends.

Coming Soon...

Time for an update......soon.
Life has been crazy and busy since I last had time to post.
I will try to update on all the news over this weekend.
Actually, there isn't much news....
Things are back to a "school year" norm.
Jake has returned to college, but he is in Madison this year.
We just couldn't afford West Virginia.
He has a great apartment overlooking Lake Mendota and things are going well for him.
He is still commuting home to work at Best Buy on weekends.
Amanda is a junior this year and she just finished up her tennis season.
She is now "free" until soccer season in the spring.
She has a really tough class load this semester,
but finds plenty of time to hang out with her friends.
George Webb's restaurant is a favorite spot for food.
Homecoming is this weekend, so photos to follow.
I am back at school teaching 4th grade again.
Things have gone from bad to worse with the state cutting about $400,000.00
out of my school's funding.
And a new batch of naughty kids......
More later.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Six Flags - NOT

Off to Six Flags Great America for the season ticket holder and friends....

Jake, Kyle, Alex and Jason got down there and went on one ride
before being soaked with rain showers.

Breakfast of Champions

Bub is 20 years old now but, he still whines if there is no Captain Crunch in the house.
His breakfast of choice: with Crunch Berries!
Breakfast before his shift at Best Buy
Guess who .... wants to play fetch !!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


The kids and I took a drive up to visit Sherry and her family a few weeks ago...
(Cokie got left behind this time to spend her first quality time
with Nana, Uncle Teddy and Grandpa)
What can I say..?
Sherry and I go way back to college days.
She has been my true BFF ever since.
The kids have known each other since birth.
Lotsa good times and great memories.

(l-r) Allie w. Peter, Kelsey, Amanda and Jake in 1999)
Our kids on our very first camping adventure. Ten years ago - almost to the day.

(l-r) Peter, Allie, Jake, Kelsey aand Amanda 2009

I know the dates - not because I diligently date photos like my Mom.
(Hey, I don't even know how to the spell the word - yet alone follow it).

But, because Sherry's daughter Allie was celebrating her 11th birthday in the top photo.
Yogi Bear came to our campsite to personally wish her a happy day.
It was sooo cool.

The bottom photo - well Allie was just a few days short of her 21st birthday.
I don't think that Yogi was on the guest list this year.
Happy 21st to Allison!

One of these days, I have to write more about our "Yogi" adventures.

Quality Time

Everyone is home for dinner tonight.
This is so rare with their work schedules.
Jake is now working two jobs as he was re-hired by Best Buy.
Ooops. did I post that he was laid off last spring due to the economy?

July 4th in Wausau

Jake, Hannah, Amanda, Cokie and I took a drive up to Wausau
for my sister's annual 4th of July party.

Amanda, Luke, Craig, and Jake
(My son is the "short" guy at 6'2")
Trampoline photos: Candy's granddaughters.

The whole gang: Amanda, Luke, his wife: Amanda, Craig, his girlfriend: Tara, Jake, and his girlfriend: Hannah.
Another random trampoline photo.
Candy's granddaughter: Keeley

Shooting off the fireworks.
Candy and sons.

Sparklers for the grandkids: Kiarra

Candy and friend

Coke never misses a good party.

The Fireworks

Candy's fireworks....

...were AWESOME !


I took Jake and Hannah over to my friends Judy and Tim's house
to visit the famous puppy from West Virginia - "Coalie".

Reunion with the orphan pup that Hannah rescued.
Coalie - now known as "Lady" is happy, healthy and loving her new family.

I don't think that this was easy for Jake and Hannah, but the pup has a perfect home.

2nd Annual Volmar Family Picnic

The second annual Volmar family picnic was held in late June this year. Aunt Marge and family were the hosts and it was a wonderful day. Good weather, good food and good fellowship.
The Volmar's
(l-r) Russ, Evelyn, Ted, Mary, Bill, and Marge
Teddy Bear enjoyed the bubbles.

Candy and Ron - down from "up nort"

I'm pretty sure Aunt Evelyn peeks in at the blog -
so I'll post a couple of photos of her fam.

Here she is with son, Todd.

Mom and Dad

Joey in the pond.

Cousin Renee and family

Teddy and Kathy
Next year it's Uncle Bill's turn to host!