Amanda and some of her basketball teammates.

We haven't had a snow storm in 6 days...what's going on here? The temperature has been way too cold, but at least no shoveling in it.
Next snow storm due to arrive on Tuesday....
Jake has been sick so I haven't even gotten a photo of him with the new pup. He started running a fever last night and went to work today sick. I want him to stay home tomorrow, but he said that his managers didn't believe he was sick. (mind you, he was burning up when he came home) I want so badly to call and let them know that my son is sick, but having your Mommy call your boss at age 18 is like the ultimate no-no.
I wish he was little so that I could take care of him---but, I can only make "suggestions", and buy Tylenol.
Amanda has been running with her friends .... a sleepover at Kendall's last night, Jocelyn's birthday, and Student Senate stuff. Basketball and more friends tonight.
Cocoa has been a good girl. She has gone potty outside quite a few times and seems to be adjusting to her new home and family.
Everyone's busy....
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