Jake and Hannah are back from college. They're here in WI until January 12th.
Jake has now completed his first semester of college - and is going back to WVA for more. He has decided to change his major to criminal justice. Yes, he still has that dream of being a cop.
He has gone on about 5 ride a long trips with various officers in the area during his time off from school. This seems to be the career he really wants to pursue.
In addition to being a full time student, he continues to do online moderating for Sony and has applied with another company for a paid position doing the same thing.
During his breaks from school - back in WI - he works for Best Buy in the mobile phone department and swings into computers as needed. He also has put in some holiday hours working for his Dad in the family catering business.
Other than that, most of his time is spent with Hannah. They celebrated their 1 year "anniversary" this past November. Hannah will be joining him for a second semester at WVA starting in January.
Finally, despite his busy schedule -- he did recently find time to take his little sister over to the high school parking lot -- to instruct her in the fine art of doing "donuts" in the freshly fallen snow.
Yes, Bub ......I did hear all about this little adventure.
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