Monday, September 24, 2007

Two for Two

Here is Bubby at age two, going about 2 miles an hour. These were the days when I had complete control of all of his driving adventures (and his speed). This was actually his very first time "driving a car". He wasn't too sure about the time.

I'm hanging on tight, Mom !
Stop! Get me outta here.
Speaking of stopping....and PARKING!
Guess who got another Parking Ticket????
Come on now....I know you can guess this one.... Think really hard now...
Yep, Good 'Ole Bub!
And, as the title of this post indicates....Guess who got the ticket revoked...
This time there was no space in the famous parking lot with the "S" (for student) parking spaces; so he had to go park in a back lot that is halfway to China. He parked in one of the "S" spaces and went to class. It just so happens that in this particular lot - the "S" is for Staff.
Cha Ching - Ticket number two!
Send me the Rocket Scientist that came up with this parking Plan!!!!
How about "S" having a consistant meaning???
How about a sign? Now, there's an idea.
Is it illeagl for me to go and flatten the tires on the parking Nazi's golf cart?
As I'm trying to calm myself to the point where I can approach someone to discuss this matter....Jake tells me that he has already spoken with the Associate Prinicpal and the "nice" parking lady, and he got the ticket revoked. That's my guy!
So, that makes us two for two.
*Note to Jake - I know you'll read this so.........NO MORE PARKING TICKETS!

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