Yep, a day late and a dollar short.....that's me.
I always remember the birthdays of people who are special to me.....
I just consistantly forget to extend wishes to them. I blame my father for this trait.
Thanks, Dad
Damon's was March 16 - yeah I know, just a little late here.....hey, be happy, Nick's was in October and I remembered (but forgot) him also.
So, hope you had a good one cousin!
If anyone is wondering where Trav is.....
He was about 3 feet over and woudn't move. He also stuck out his tongue on this particular shot. I was mad at him at the time for this, and permanently chopped him out of the photo. Now, I wish that I still had him in there.
with "Ma"
Hey, the Smurfs called........they want their tux back!
I was looking for an original's Damon and June on their wedding day.
Not your traditional pose...
Looks like you "graduated" from Smurf -wear to the Barney collection!

Not your traditional pose...

Smurf-wear, Barney-wear...
Maybe I should be getting some residual checks, eh? With my pictures I'm helping keep the brands alive.
And thanks for the birthday "shout-out." You rock!
I am really enjoying all the pictures you post from "Memory Lane" with your little (but-not-so-little-now) cousins. You were always fun and special to my boys and continue to Damon said - "You rock!"
Love ya! - Auntie Jeri
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