The picture postcard ending just didn't happen........

Off to the local mechanic (who was recommended by our hotel front desk staff......thanks a bundle for this one). Five hundred dollars and two new catalitic converters later....we were back on the road again.
But wait!......
You didn't think it would end there did you???????
If you are old enough to remember the TV show Hee'll remember a song that went something like ..."If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all"
The car made the SAME clicking noise and had even MORE trouble shifting as we drove away from the shop.
Yes, this is where the tearful call to Steph and my Dad took place.......
They both said the same thing....."Get to a GM dealer"
One Yellow pages book and a 20 minute drive later...I arrived at Preston Hood Chevrolet in Fort Walton, Florida. (I left the kids on the beach - no sense in everyone's trip being ruined).
Needed: One new transmission.
And no, the car will NEVER make it home without one.
So, it's now Wednesday and they are taking the transmission apart to find out what parts are needed to rebuild it. Throw 4 very bad U joints in there for good measure also.
Now it's Friday, mind you we were supposed to leave Thursday night, and the other group from Wisconsin is leaving. One of the parts for the car has still not arrived - there is a problem getting parts for a 4-wheel drive Suburban down there. Apparently they don't get much snow!
We had to pack a small bag and send Kendall back to WI with the other car as school starts on Monday and there is no hope for us getting home anytime soon. Her parents didn't want her to miss any school......good news....she gets to ride back with Jocelyn and Taylor. Bye, Kendall.
One more tearful call to Wisconsin, as the car sits up in the air at the shop....
Steph calls down and gets the General Manager of the dealership on the phone. Basically, I think he told him to get that part delivered...NOW. The part did come sometime Friday, but not in time for closing and oh, by the way, they don't work on weekends. Steph even told the guy that he would pay a mechanic double to stay and do the work. No luck.
The bright side ???'s snowing in Wisconsin ! HA HA HA!!
Four extra days of hotel/ food costs, one 3 day rental car, and one $3,100 shop bill's 4 p.m. Monday and we are ready to hit the road.
Funny, I had called him before we left and asked if he could bail us out - should something expensive happen..........
We made it home by 12 noon on Tuesday, dropped the kids in the driveway, and I hit the road in my car by 1 to drive to Prairie du Chien (to pick up Cocoa). Arrived there after 4 and stayed to visit for an hour or back home at about 9 p.m.
I don't remember Wednesday........
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